
I thought of a list for the interactions a user would have with the paint palette and organized the interaction in the order they would first occur. I arranged the components with consideration to the list as well as the physical space on the palette.

1 Changing Color, 2 Changing Color Mode





The most frequent and important interaction is changing the color. Hence, I placed it in the center of the palette. I decided to go with a vertical arrangement, with RGB controls on top of HSB controls and the toggle switch to the side. Vertical placement over horizontal and placing the toggle switch to the side instead of between the sets of controls will help to prevent confusion that one side is for one function because the color controls are meant to be used interachangbly in different situations. Placing RGB controls above HSB controls is to encourage using HSB for convenience and to account for longer reach of palette knives for the paint wells.

3 Changing Color Manipulated, 4 Changing Gradient Shift, 6 Drawing Swatches/Painting



The arrangement of these three aspects were largely motivated by their functions.


The FSRs for the gradient shift and the Color manipulated controls are aligned horizontally because they will refer to a linear gradient displayed. The button for painting has to be accessible to the hand holding the palette. In particular, the button has to be pressed while also allowing the user to continue holding the palette.

5 Changing Drawing Mode

I wasn’t too sure where to put this component because the palette was rather balanced already. I wanted to align the LEDs horizontally to prevent confusion with the HSB and RGB controls. I opted to place the pushbutton to the side similar to the toggle in the color controls to create a cluster for the drawing mode controls instead of a line shape.

